12 Undeniable Signs You’re In Ketosis

Signs You’re In Ketosis

The key to success on the keto diet is knowing how to recognize the signs that you’re in ketosis. These are the most common ketosis symptoms that indicate your body is in ketosis. The Keto Diet, a high-fat, low-carb approach to weight loss, has recently become one of the most popular ways to lose weight. The idea is that your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat as a source of energy.

These symptoms will most likely appear within two weeks of your body going into ketosis, but they should only last a few days. The signs should go away once your body has adjusted to its new fat-burning state.

Perfect Keto

Fast Weight Loss

In the first few weeks of keto, you’ll most likely lose a significant amount of weight. It’s one of the clearest and most motivating signs that you’re in ketosis.

It won’t all be fat loss, though that will happen later. When you burn through your glycogen stores, you’ll lose mostly water weight. People lose weight quickly and significantly during the first few weeks of keto. People typically lose a few pounds to as much as ten pounds in the first week of following the keto diet.

Because you are no longer eating carbohydrates, your body is forced to use these glycogen stores as energy. Because the water molecules have nowhere to attach, they are flushed out of your system.

It’s normal to expect a slower but more consistent weight loss after the initial week of rapid weight loss.

You can be confident that any additional weight loss will come from stored body fat now that your glycogen reserves have been depleted. When you’re on keto and you’re in a calorie deficit, your body burns stored body fat instead.
It’s incredibly satisfying and motivating to see rapid weight loss when you start a new diet. As time goes on, you may notice a greater loss of fat based on how your clothes fit rather than the scale. Just keep in mind that the scale isn’t the only indicator of success.

Seeing a reduction in inches is a great motivator to keep going even if the scale isn’t moving as quickly as you’d like.

To keep your motivation going, I recommend keeping track of your measurements along the way.

Decreased Appetite

One of the most telling signs that you’re in ketosis is that you’re not as hungry. Although this is not true for everyone, you may notice that you are less hungry at first. You stay satiated for longer when you fuel your body with fat, which means you think about food less. Higher carb foods fuel hunger signals, so this is a welcome sign for many. If you’ve struggled to lose weight in the past due to overeating or snacking, this is a fantastic feeling.

Imagine not having to deal with hunger pangs, cravings, or binge eating again. Not to mention the guilt and shame we feel for sabotaging our diet. The ketogenic diet’s high fat content is extremely filling and keeps hunger at bay for a long time.

Fat has a much lower impact on blood sugar levels than carbohydrates. As a result, insulin levels remain stable, which is critical for weight loss and the elimination of hunger pangs.

Ketogenic diets also necessitate the consumption of a moderate amount of protein. Eating healthy protein, like fats, will keep you feeling full after meals.

High protein foods have an interesting effect on the hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin, in addition to revving up your metabolism.

You Feel Totally Wiped Out

When you first enter ketosis, your body is confused because it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Short-term fatigue is a well-known side effect of your body’s transition to ketosis.

Your body has spent its entire life learning how to effectively use and burn carbohydrates. As a result, when you begin a ketogenic diet, your body is forced to adapt to a completely different process.

It now needs to learn to burn a different fuel source as efficiently as it did carbohydrates previously.
However, expecting immediate results is both unrealistic and impossible.

Many people drop out of the ketogenic diet due to exhaustion and weakness.
Remembering that this is a fleeting sensation should encourage you to keep going. After two weeks, you should feel more energized and be able to resume your regular workout routine without difficulty.

A Decrease In Athletic Performance

As previously stated, removing carbs can cause general exhaustion at first. This includes a drop in exercise performance at first.

It is primarily caused by a decrease in glycogen stores in your muscles, which are the primary and most efficient fuel source for all types of high-intensity exercise.

Many ketogenic dieters report that their performance returns to normal after a few weeks.
A ketogenic diet may be beneficial in certain types of ultra endurance sports and events.

There are some additional advantages, the most notable of which is a greater ability to burn fat during exercise.
When compared to athletes who were not on a ketogenic diet, athletes who switched to a ketogenic diet burned up to 230 percent more fat when they exercised, according to one study.

Short-term performance drops are possible. They do, however, tend to improve after the initial adaptation period is over.

To help me stay energized, I added in this Keto-friendly protein shake.

It not only helped me add more protein to my diet, but it also helped me regain my best gym performance. It’s available in a variety of flavors, so you can pick your favorite.

Increased Energy and Focus

Your body will eventually figure out that burning fat and protein for energy is sufficient, and you will begin to feel more energized. But, given that it’s essentially just an improvement from feeling exhausted all the time, that’s more than likely a placebo effect.

When following a ketogenic diet, many people report feeling more energized.
Your body starts producing ketones when you’re in ketosis. Ketones are a far more efficient brain fuel source than glucose. Increased energy and concentration will benefit you in every aspect of your life.


Digestion Issues

You’re in ketosis if you have constipation or diarrhea.

As you begin to follow this way of life, it may take some time for your digestive system to adjust. Constipation can be a bothersome side effect for some, while diarrhea can be a problem for others. This, too, should only last a short time as your body adjusts to digesting the foods in this new way of eating. Others’ digestive systems may go in the opposite direction, resulting in loose bowels, which should resolve as well.
If you’re lucky, you won’t have any digestive problems at all. However, as your body adjusts, these symptoms usually fade away.

When you go keto, you start eating a lot of fat, which your body isn’t prepared for. It is not properly digested by your body, and the bacteria in your gut are not ready to break it down. This can cause diarrhea or steatorrhea, a temporary condition characterized by foul-smelling feces. This should go away after a few days, but if you want to avoid these problems, you can always ease into a keto diet rather than going all in at once.

Vegetables that are safe to eat on a ketogenic diet can be found here.


I noticed I wasn’t sleeping well when I first started following a ketogenic diet. It took a long time for me to fall asleep, and I woke up frequently throughout the night. Sleep may be disrupted until your body adjusts to this new way of eating, as it is with any major dietary change. For the most part, this bizarre sleep cycle is only temporary; as you gain weight, the pendulum swings to the other side, and you sleep much better and wake up rested and refreshed. Insomnia is one of the less appealing signs that you’re in ketosis.

Best of all, this ketosis symptom should go away in a week or two.

And once you’ve made the switch to keto, you’ll not only sleep better than you did before, but you may also require less sleep.

Bad Breath

Along with dry mouth, this is one of the most obvious signs of ketosis. This bad breath is caused by elevated ketones in your body. Bad breath is a minor side effect of knowing you’re getting healthier. Many Keto dieters have also reported that their bad breath dissipated quickly. When people reach full ketosis, they frequently complain about bad breath. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before it pays off.

It is, in fact, a very common side effect. Many people who follow a ketogenic or similar diet report that their breath has a fruity odor. Ketone levels that are too high cause this. Acetone is the specific ketone, which is excreted in the urine and breath.

On a ketogenic diet, the ketone acetone is partially expelled through your breath, which can result in bad or fruity-smelling breath.

Fortunately, bad breath on the keto diet is only temporary and will go away as your body adjusts to running on ketones. In the meantime, mints and chewing gum will help to keep your breath smelling fresh.

When I was first starting Keto and having trouble with bad breath, I found that staying hydrated and using this mouthwash and toothpaste were particularly helpful.

Don’t be concerned; once you’ve transitioned out of ketosis, this issue should go away.

If you’re in ketosis, your body naturally produces more ketones.

Check Your Ketone Levels

If you’re serious about checking your ketone levels, a glucose meter is the way to go.

The goal of a ketogenic diet is to force your body to increase ketones production.

Insulin levels drop, and fatty acids are released into the bloodstream.

These fatty acids are then converted to ketones, which are used as energy by your liver.

Using a ketone breath analyzer, you can easily detect elevated levels of ketones.

Ketone strips are a less expensive option, but they can give inaccurate results if you’ve consumed too much water. I did, however, use them when I first started Keto to make sure I was on the right track.

Increased Thirst and Frequent Urination

Ketosis is a natural diuretic, which means food and water will pass through your digestive system more quickly.

You may notice that you’re urinating and using the restroom far more frequently than usual, waking up multiple times in the middle of the night. It does go away after a while, but having to urinate frequently while in ketosis is beneficial. Expect to have more thirst as a result of your increased urination frequency.

Drink plenty of water and other liquids to avoid dehydration.

Muscle cramps and spasms

Muscle cramps can be caused by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Electrolytes are substances that help the body’s cells communicate electrically. Electrical messages are disrupted when these substances are out of balance, which can cause muscle contractions and spasms.

To avoid muscle pains and other symptoms of an imbalance, people on the ketogenic diet should make sure they are getting enough electrolytes from their food.

Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are examples of electrolytes. These can be obtained by eating a well-balanced diet.

Keto Flu

It won’t happen to everyone, but if you’ve been on keto for about a week and are experiencing flu-like symptoms, it’s possible you’ve entered ketosis.

Dizziness and lightheadedness, hot flashes or cold sweats, muscle cramps, increased temperature, and feeling queasy are all possible symptoms.

Fatigue is a common symptom of the keto flu, and it can be severe. The symptoms can be subtle at times, or you may feel as if you can barely get out of bed.

Luckily electrolytes help with this!

How Long Will These Symptoms Last?

Ketosis symptoms are usually short-lived, lasting about a week or less in most cases. You must remember, however, that we are all unique. Our bodies will react differently, and some of us will experience symptoms much more severely than others, later rather than sooner, to a lesser extent, or not at all.

However, once your body has adapted to its new fat-burning state, your ketosis symptoms will fade away, usually within a few weeks.

What You Can Do To Help With The Symptoms

If you’re experiencing headaches, lethargy, nausea, or dizziness during the first few weeks of your keto diet, try a glass of water with half a teaspoon of salt stirred in. It might be beneficial.

The Bottom Line

One of the most difficult aspects of the keto diet for many people is that our bodies are all different, and as a result, our bodies will react differently on the diet. Ketosis symptoms will vary from person to person.

You might read about someone who lost 10 pounds in one week and went into ketosis in just three days, while you’ve been trying for three weeks or more to get the pee strip to turn darker.

Some people need to consume fewer carbohydrates than others, while others may need to begin exercising sooner.

The point is that eliminating sugars and reducing carb intake is already beneficial to your body. You’ll be in a much better mood if you can concentrate on those things and let everything else happen naturally.

There are numerous advantages to entering ketosis, such as better blood sugar control and lower cholesterol levels, so simply attempting to enter ketosis will result in significant improvements.

Some of the signs that you are in ketosis aren’t always positive while your body is transitioning to fat-burning mode.

If you’re having trouble making the transition, don’t give up. If you stick to the diet, the symptoms will eventually go away. Just remember that, while the signs of ketosis aren’t always pleasant, they’ll help you lose weight in the long run.

Following the ketogenic diet’s guidelines and staying consistent will put you in a state of ketosis, which will help you lose weight.

Perfect Keto
Amy and Beth Signature


  • (1)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-signs-and-symptoms-of-ketosis
  • (2)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12081817/
  • (3)https://www.medicinenet.com/top_11_signs_you_are_in_ketosis/article.htm
  • (4)https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323544

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