Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

It’s incomprehensible. You’ve spent a lot of blood, sweat, and tears trying to lose weight, but you’ve hit a wall! Why?! You’re going through the motions. You’re consuming a healthy diet. You’re exercising. Why isn’t the scale dropping? Worse yet, why is the scale starting to rise!? Your patience is wearing thin, and your self-assurance is dwindling. Why am I not losing weight, you might wonder?

Why you're not losing weight

We’re all looking for ways to lose weight. It’s a common goal, and when you don’t see results, it’s very frustrating. Especially when you’re putting forth so much effort! Don’t worry… getting in shape is about more than just the numbers on the scale! If you truly believe you should be losing weight but aren’t, there’s probably an explanation.

It is a goal to lose weight. You have a fantastic goal in mind. What motivates you to lose weight? Do you feel compelled to use social media? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others? Or do you have a genuine concern for your health?

It takes time and dedication to lose weight. It does not happen overnight, as much as I wish it did. It’s more difficult for some of us than for others. Don’t be concerned; there are some possible explanations!

When it comes to losing weight, there are a few common blunders that people make. On most days of the week, you eat your vegetables and exercise in some way. But there’s a lot more to weight loss success than that.

There are some things you should do and others you should avoid. These errors can stifle or even stop your progress.

You may believe you’re doing everything correctly, but you’re still not seeing results. Even if you follow a healthy diet and exercise routine, you could be making small mistakes that cause you to hit a weight-loss plateau and derail your progress.

The following are the most common blunders people make when attempting to lose weight.


People are harmed by stress. That is something we are all aware of. It is, however, a factor that may obstruct your weight loss. Your body does things it wouldn’t normally do when you’re stressed. It goes into fight-or-flight mode, producing cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite and causes our bodies to store more fat. It’s difficult to overcome stress, and it’s not something that comes easily. (10)

Stress and weight gain, or lack thereof, are strongly intertwined. Constant stress can lead to a variety of health issues. Here are a few ways stress can wreak havoc on your weight-loss efforts.

  • Skipping workouts: When you’re depressed, tired, or stressed, a workout can seem impossible.
  • Experiencing cravings: When we’re stressed or unhappy, many of us turn to high-sugar, high-fat comfort foods.
  • Raising cortisol: Stress, like sleep deprivation, causes cortisol production to rise. This not only increases appetite, but it can also lead to an increase in abdominal fat.

If you are aware of your stress, you can manage it. Loosen up! Try going for a walk outside, doing some yoga, or meditating. Make an effort to set aside time for yourself. It’ll pay off in the end.

A good place to start when dealing with chronic stress is to take short moments throughout the day to consciously check in with yourself and lower your tension levels. A good way to bring more calm into your life is to practice mindful meditation. (7)

You’re Weighing Yourself Too Much

Okay, so weighing yourself every day isn’t going to help you lose weight, but it can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. Even if you’re sticking to your diet religiously, it’s common to feel like you’re not losing weight quickly enough.

When you don’t see the weight loss you want on the scale, it’s easy to become discouraged and binge eat, which can set your weight loss goals back.

Remember that the number on the scale is only one indicator of weight loss or gain. Several factors influence weight, including fluid fluctuations and the amount of food left in your system.

Many different factors can influence the actual number on the scale from day to day. Natural weight fluctuates, for example, as a result of gaining muscle through strength training or because it’s that time of the month. Water retention can be caused by hormonal changes in women, which is why you shouldn’t always rely on the scale.

In fact, depending on how much food and liquid you’ve consumed, your weight can fluctuate by up to 4 pounds in a single day. (2)

If the number on the scale isn’t changing, it’s possible that you’re losing fat mass but retaining water. You can lose water weight in a variety of ways, fortunately.

Additionally, if you’ve been working out, you may be gaining muscle and losing fat.

Even if the scale doesn’t move, your clothes may start to feel looser as a result of this.

Fluid fluctuations, muscle mass gain, and the weight of undigested food are all factors that can affect scale weight. Even if the scale reading doesn’t change much, you may be losing body fat. Keep that in mind and don’t let it discourage you. (2)

Once a week, use a tape measure to track your progress around your waist, hips, and thighs. Even if the scale number doesn’t change much, measuring yourself and taking monthly photos of yourself can reveal you’re losing fat.

If you must weigh yourself to stay motivated, do so no more than once a week, or even once every two weeks.

You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

If you’re trying to lose weight, getting enough sleep is critical, not only because of how it affects your physical health, but also because of how it affects your mental health. When it comes to weight loss, it’s one of the most important aspects that many people overlook.

Sleep deprivation can make you feel irritable, confused, and even depressed, all of which can affect your activity level and food choices.

You may feel energized as a result of your improved diet and increased physical activity. Don’t, however, make the mistake of depriving yourself of sleep. Sleep is critical for weight loss and other benefits such as muscle repair, thinking, and hormonal balance, and getting at least 6 to 7 hours per night is recommended.

According to studies, if you don’t get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow down.

Furthermore, researchers have found that people who are tired consume up to 500 calories more per day than those who get enough sleep. Because your body is trying to get more energy, it releases hormones that make you feel hungry, causing you to eat more and provide more energy. (1)

Allow yourself to relax and unwind with a nighttime routine that includes winding down. Your body will appreciate it.

Not getting enough sleep has a number of negative consequences, including a negative impact on your mood, mental health, and overall well-being. People who sleep for five hours or less are more likely to gain weight than those who sleep for longer. Believe it or not, being tired makes you hungry, which makes you more likely to overeat and skip your workout. Make a plan, even if it’s difficult to do when you’re trying to fit in those early morning workouts. (1)

Sleep deprivation has been linked to weight gain. The following are some possible explanations:

  • Sleep deprivation can make you feel hungry even if you aren’t hungry.
  • When you’re tired, you’re more likely to skip exercise or move around less, resulting in fewer calories burned.
  • Sleep deprivation can affect cortisol secretion, which is one of the hormones that controls appetite.

If you’re trying to lose weight, getting enough sleep is critical, not only because of how it affects your physical health, but also because of how it affects your mental health.

Sleep deprivation can make you feel irritable, confused, and even depressed, all of which can affect your activity level and food choices.

Getting up and going to bed at the same time every day, avoiding stimulants like caffeine several hours before bedtime, and making other adjustments can help you get more rest.

What Is the Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss?

You’re Drinking Too Much (Sugar and Alcohol)!

Here’s something that might catch you off guard. Some of Starbucks‘ most popular drinks contain 40 to 60 grams of sugar! With just one drink, you’re consuming 2-3 times the daily recommended amount of sugar! Yikes!

Beer, wine, soda pop, and fruit juices are all high in carbs and calories, but they still make you hungry because your brain’s appetite centers don’t respond to liquid calories the same way they do to food calories.

Sugary drinks can sometimes account for more calories than the food you consume. A can of coke, for example, contains 150 calories and 39 grams of sugar.

Another example: 2 oz. unsweetened apple juice contains 36 g sugar. That’s the equivalent of 12 ounces of soda pop in sugar.

Of course, a drink or two here and there is fine, but alcohol will do you no good if you’re trying to lose weight. It contains no nutritional value, is high in calories, depletes your energy, and disrupts your metabolism. After a night of drinking, I have a terrible habit of eating nonstop! I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself! When I’m trying to lose weight, I avoid alcohol at all costs!

You’re Not Drinking Enough (Water)!

Because your body cannot burn fat if it is dehydrated, staying hydrated is critical for weight loss. Drinking plenty of water is not only necessary if you’re working out, but it’s also required if you want to lose weight. Water is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in the removal of waste from the body and prevents water retention. Water is necessary for everyone at all times. Drink at least two liters of water each day.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to drink plenty of water. Drinking water is essential for healthy kidney function, hydrated skin, and a well-functioning digestive system.

  • It’s possible that not drinking enough will have an impact on your reasoning and thinking.
  • Water can assist you in losing weight.
  • Before a meal, drink a large glass of water to make room in your stomach for food.
  • Water helps the kidneys function properly and regulate the fluid in the body.
  • When enough water is consumed, the body’s waste processes function normally.
  • Water aids in the transport of oxygen throughout the body.
  • The lubrication between joints and cartilage can be harmed if you don’t drink enough water.(4)

In the end, it’s so simple. Make sure you get plenty of water. It will be beneficial to your body! Every day, I drink about 70 ounces of water. Follow this simple rule: every day, drink half your body weight in ounces. If plain water isn’t your thing, toss some fruit into your pitcher to add some flavor, or eat veggies like celery that are high in water. Seltzer and tea are also good sources of hydration.

If you’re not sure if you’re hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. We often confuse hunger and thirst. This emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day to avoid overeating.

Water takes up space in your stomach, leading you to feel fuller and satiated. One 2014 study published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine found that subjects who drank 500 milliliters of water three times a day — a half hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner — reduced their weight, body fat and appetite. (3)

Another 2014 study in Acta Physiologica suggests that drinking water may even help you burn more calories. Participants who drank cold water increased their energy expenditure by almost 3 percent in the 90-minute period after ingestion. (5)

Exercising Too Little or Wrong

Of course, exercise is essential for weight loss, but it can be difficult to know if you’re doing the right workouts or burning enough calories. Begin by assessing your overall program to determine how much you’re exercising and how much you actually require.

Experts often recommend 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day for weight loss. If you do high-intensity workouts, that time can be reduced to as little as 30 minutes. (11)

If you’re not there yet, this is a good place to start. This does not imply that you must begin exercising for nearly two hours every day. In fact, if you’re not used to that level of effort, it’s a bad idea, as it could lead to injury, burnout, or overtraining.

To meet your weight loss goals, you must either increase your workout time and intensity. Alternatively, you may need to adjust your weight-loss goals to reflect what you’re actually doing.

It’s important to remember that it’s not just about structured exercise. An hour of exercise does not make up for the next eight or nine hours of sitting. Believe it or not, that’s a majority of us.

Try to be as active as possible in addition to exercising: take regular breaks from work, go for walks whenever possible, stretch, wear a a FitBit or Apple watch to see how many extra steps you can get in, and so on.

You’re Not Giving Your Body a Challenge or Changing Up Your Work Out Routine

When you haven’t worked out in a while, who isn’t sore after their first workout? The end result can be quite spectacular, but then you stop… aah! All that effort was completely useless.

When you start working out more and making exercise a habit, it’s important to mix up your workouts and alternate days between cardio and strength training, as well as the muscle groups you work. Repeating the same workout causes your body to become accustomed to staying at ease rather than working hard to burn calories and build muscle.

The human body is a complex machine that easily adapts to a workout routine. It adapts to the workout and becomes more efficient, resulting in fewer calories being burned. The only way to avoid this is to surprise and confuse your body by changing your workout routine.

Try to change things up. Interval training workouts can help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Short bursts of intense activity burn more calories—and up to 36 percent more fat. (12) Walking around the neighborhood or house for an hour burns off about 150 calories. Pick up the pace for one minute out of every five minutes to burn over one-third more calories.

You’re not working hard enough

Working out and eating healthy don’t have an exact formula—a it’s matter of trial and error to figure out what works best for your body. And spending more time in the gym does not always equate to being more fit. The average person shouldn’t work out for more than an hour per day unless they’re an athlete, bodybuilder, or triathlete.

Your workouts should be based on intensity rather than time. Keep in mind that the harder you work, the shorter your workout will have to be.

That’s why it’s critical to make the most of your gym or fitness class time in order to achieve the cherished “after-burn” effect, which keeps your metabolism revved for 24-48 hours afterward. (13) Consider doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT). They are, without a doubt, the most effective!

You’re doing too much cardio

Cardio is, without a doubt, an important part of your workout. It is good for your heart, your metabolism, and it gives you a good sweat (you should break one daily). However, focusing solely on cardio—or doing too much of it—can exacerbate the problem. Longer cardio sessions, such as 90 minutes on the elliptical or frequent 10-mile runs, can deplete your lean muscle mass, which is necessary for increasing your metabolism and burning more calories.

It causes your body to become more endurance-oriented, storing energy as fat to ensure you have enough reserve fuel to get you through all those miles. Not to mention that it increases your appetite, making you more prone to unintentional snacking and overeating.

You’re not lifting weights

I’m definitely not saying you shouldn’t or can’t do cardio. If you enjoy running or biking for reasons other than weight loss, go ahead and do it. However, if fat loss is your primary goal, there are other types of exercise that will help you lose weight much faster. Strength training, in addition to cardio, is the most effective way to lose weight and gain lean muscle. The higher your muscle tone, the more fat you’ll burn.

If you’re not ready to give up your cardio just yet, try incorporating interval training into your regular workout by performing short bursts of all-out effort. These workouts are far more effective at promoting hormones that help you lose stubborn fat. Then begin incorporating resistance training into your routine. Body weight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges are a great place to start if you want to work up to lifting weights.

Strength training is recommended if you want to lose fat because a pound of muscle burns three times more calories than a pound of fat. Lifting weights will help you gain muscle mass and lose fat.

You’re not taking time to recover

When you reach that after-burn and feel your workout the next day, those are the days to concentrate on different muscle groups. Alternatively, if you prefer to work out your entire body, create a workout routine in which you work out your entire body one day and then do light cardio, stretching, or complete rest the next day.

The importance of recovery and rest is frequently overshadowed by the workout itself. Those are the times when your body does the majority of its fat burning. So give yourself that time to fully recover so that you can go back to work the next day. Above all, pay attention to your body. Push yourself, but don’t forget to show it some love.

You Think You Can Eat Whatever You Want Because You Worked Out

You can’t eat a cheeseburger and fries every night just because you run 2 miles every day. You’ll lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn, but the truth is that most of us have no idea how many calories we’re consuming.

You won’t have to worry about how many calories you burn working out if you focus on consuming quality calories from lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Many people believe that exercise boosts their metabolism significantly.

Although exercise does raise your metabolic rate, it is likely to be less than you think.

It’s very common to overestimate how many calories are burned during a workout session. This frequently leads to overeating, effectively canceling out the session.

Exercise is still important for overall health and can aid weight loss. It’s just not as effective as some people believe it is at burning calories.

You Think You’re Eating Healthy But You’re Not

Whatever you do, you must include a healthy diet in your weight loss plan. Diets that aren’t healthy aren’t going to help you lose weight. Weight loss should be a combination of good nutrition and physical activity. It makes no difference how hard you work out if you eat a lot of junk food. Try reading labels and reducing your sugar intake. You’d be surprised to learn what labels reveal! Choose foods that are high in protein. They make you feel fuller! Also, keep track of how much you’re eating. It could be a lot more than you believe. Keep track of your calories.

You’re Not Tracking What You Eat

Eating Too Much

The concept of calories in vs. calories out, or how many calories you eat vs. how many calories you burn, is one of the most important factors in weight loss.

It may seem self-evident, but unless you track your calories every day, you may be eating more than you realize. In fact, studies show that most of us underestimate how much we eat, particularly when dining out.

Keep a Food Diary

Making it a habit to write down what you eat in a food journal forces you to think about what you’re eating. You can use a notebook or an online tracking program like My Plate to keep track of your meals. For at least a week, keep track of your food intake, being as detailed as possible. If you’re eating out, measure your portions, read food labels, or look up nutritional information.

A common weight-loss pitfall is failing to keep track of your calories.

Eating healthy foods is a good way to lose weight. You may, however, be consuming more calories than you require to lose weight. The majority of people overestimate the number of calories burned and consumed.

It’s also possible that you’re getting less protein and fiber than you think.

According to experts, keeping track of what you eat can help you get a more accurate picture of your calorie and nutrient intake while also providing accountability. (14)

Keeping a food diary will not only keep you accountable, but it will also give you a realistic picture of your overall consumption.

Having a few snacks throughout the day can add hundreds of calories to your daily calorie intake. Keeping a food journal can help you lose weight in a variety of ways. A food journal allows you to keep track of what you eat and identify areas where you need to make changes in order to reach your weight loss goal.

You can try this one – you can print it off and it’s super cheap!

This fitness planner includes:

  • 2 Weekly Fitness Planners
  • 1 Weekly Meal Planner
  • 1 Weekly Food Tracker
  • 1 Monthly Workout Planner
  • 1 Before & After Page
  • 1 Exercise log Page
  • 1 Recipe Page
  • 1 Healthy Habit Tracker
  • 1 30 day challenge Page

Analyze Your Diet

Many online tracking websites or apps will provide you with a summary of how many calories you’re consuming as well as a breakdown of various nutrients. They can also assist you in gaining a more objective view of your overall eating habits so that you can look for ways to lose weight. Try MyFitness Pal.com or https://cronometer.com/

Working with a registered dietitian, who can make more specific recommendations based on your data, is an option.

You’re Impatient

Weight loss is a process that takes time. It’s a methodical procedure. The majority of the time, it will take 2-4 months to see results. Patience is required. Slower weight loss ensures that your success is long-term and sustainable. It doesn’t mean you’re not losing weight just because the scale isn’t showing it. Perhaps your clothes are getting a little looser. Perhaps you’re losing inches!

Just because you aren’t losing weight doesn’t mean you aren’t seeing progress. Because your body may be changing in ways that a scale can’t detect, judging your success solely on how much you weigh can be discouraging. Maybe your clothes are fitting better. Have you done measurements?

You’re Taking Weekends Off

It’s not unusual to do well during the week and then relax a little too much on the weekends in terms of exercise and diet. While taking a break and treating yourself is fine once in a while, consistently sabotaging your weight loss goals on the weekends could be disastrous.

Have Cheat Meals (or Snacks), Not Cheat Days

Choose one or two treats to enjoy over the weekend instead of letting loose on Saturday and Sunday. Then, for the rest of the time, stick to your healthier diet. You don’t have to ruin the rest of your day just because you have one cheat meal. One cheat meal is much easier to overcome than a whole cheat day.

In general, if you want to lose one pound of fat in a week, you’ll need to cut 500 calories from your daily diet and/or exercise. It’s like taking one step forward and two steps back if you do it for five days and then overeat or skip your workout for the next two. You will not be productive in this manner.

That isn’t to say you can’t treat yourself now and then; it just means you have to stay on track to see results. Every day, keep your focus on your goal.

Tips For Staying on Track Over The Weekend

Here are some ideas to help you avoid letting your weekends get the best of you.

While physical activity may seem like the obvious solution, experts say there are other strategies that can help you break the weekend binge-eating habit:

  • Begin your day with a bang. On weekends, when you have more time, eat a healthy breakfast. If you start the day with a healthy breakfast, you will eat less throughout the day and will receive adequate nutrition.
  • Don’t go hungry in order to “save up” for a special dinner. Saving money usually backfires because you end up eating a lot more than you would if you ate normally throughout the day. Take a bite to eat before going out to quell your hunger, and then simply enjoy good food when you get there.
  • Enjoy the pleasures of dining out. Allow yourself to savor and enjoy good food rather than overindulge. People forget what dining is all about: sitting with friends, enjoying your time together, and unwinding.
  • Slowly eat. Take your time because it takes 15-20 minutes for your brain to send a signal to your stomach that it’s full. Slow down when you’re eating, whether you’re at a party or eating out on the weekend.
  • Begin with a soup. When ordering at a restaurant, take your time and start with soup. Then have the waiter return so you can order an entrée; you’ll order much less than you would if you ordered everything at once.
  • Reduce the size of your restaurant entrees by half. Splitting an entree with a friend is an excellent way to reduce calories on the weekend.
  • Dessert should not be skipped; instead, it should be shared. Make it unique. Choose something that you genuinely enjoy and share it with a friend. Keep an eye on portion sizes, and if you want a large dessert, ask the waiter to slice it thin or split it with the table — but I’m all in dessert.
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol. On the weekend, if you can cut out one or two drinks per day, you’ll save 100 to 150 calories. People who consume more alcohol also consume more food. So, if you must drink alcohol, do so with caution. (8)

Some people use the weekends to get in a longer, more intense workout, while others slack off. If you don’t feel like working out, use your free time to do something you wouldn’t have time for during the week. Perhaps go for a hike or a long walk, or clean your entire house!

Avoid Food Based Rewards 

It’s tempting to want to reward yourself after eating healthy all week. It’s motivating to have something to look forward to, but instead of food, try rewarding yourself with experiences like a shopping trip. Why not get some new work out gear?

Beyond that, experts say the best way to avoid your diet being derailed on weekends is to follow a commonsense approach to nutrition every day of the week. (15)

Hitting a Plateau

Almost everyone eventually reaches a weight loss plateau. Your body becomes more efficient as it adapts to your workout. When you do the same exercise over time, your body will burn fewer calories.

Your weight loss will begin to slow and may even come to a halt. Plateaus can occur for a variety of reasons. Here’s a closer look at what could be the source of the problem.

  • Consuming insufficient calories: If your body lacks sufficient fuel to maintain your level of activity, it will conserve rather than burn calories.
  • Doing the same exercise routine: To progress, your body needs to be challenged, so change up your program every four to six weeks.
  • Overtraining: If you exercise too much, your body may respond by burning fewer calories on your rest days.

Changing the exercises you do and the intensity or duration of your workouts are two ways to help break through a weight loss plateau. Experiment to see which ones work best for you.

Am I seeing any results? 

Forget about the number on the scale. As a guide, use other changes. When evaluating your success, consider the following questions:

  • Are you noticing at least some slimming somewhere on your body?
  • Are you losing inches rather than pounds?
  • Are you noticing that your clothes aren’t fitting as well as they used to?
  • Do you feel better?
  • Are you sleeping better?
  • Do you feel stronger and more confident?

It’s possible that you’re not firming up or losing inches where you want to see results, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening elsewhere. It’s still happening. You just need to trust the process.

Make a list and refer to it when you’re feeling down. Keep in mind that these are significant victories.

Having Unrealistic Goals

Many people have a distorted perception of what it means to be healthy. Are there any other reasons you need to lose weight if you take away all the reasons you want to lose weight that have anything to do with how you look? Do you have a family history of medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease? Is your body mass index (BMI) in an unhealthy range?

Remember that healthy bodies vary in appearance, and that negative thinking can lead you to believe things about yourself that are simply not true. Concentrate on all of the positive aspects of your body. Appreciating all of your body’s abilities can help you feel better about yourself.

Weight loss and other health-related objectives can help you stay motivated. Unrealistic expectations, on the other hand, can work against you.

Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and even abandonment. Make your weight-loss goals more modest to increase your chances of success.

Setting realistic, long-term weight loss goals is essential. It’s understandable that you want to lose as much weight as possible as quickly as possible. However, crash dieting is neither good for your health nor helpful in maintaining your weight loss because you’ll gain it all back once your diet is over. It will be easier to stay on track and avoid becoming discouraged if you have realistic expectations and understand that weight loss is a gradual process.

If you need help setting realistic personal fitness and weight loss goals, consider hiring a personal trainer.

How to Measure Your Success

Even if the scale isn’t telling you how great you’re doing, there are plenty of other ways to gauge your success. Even if you’ve reached a weight-loss plateau, you may still be able to keep track of your progress.

Make a note of your measurements. I’m sure you’ve lost a few inches! Your upper arm, thigh, hips, waist, and stomach should all be measured.

Put on some old clothes that you haven’t worn in a long time. I’m sure you’ll feel better and notice that you’re more at ease in some of the items!

It’s all or nothing for you. 

This is one of my main problems losing weight. I’m either all in or all out. I screwed up at breakfast, well I ruined my whole day! I might as well just eat 4 pieces of pizza for lunch now. It doesn’t matter because the day is ruined. Welp, I ruined Monday so I guess I’ll just start next Monday. See what happens here? This is aaaaalllll wrong! Who cares if you ate a big breakfast, eat a good lunch and healthy dinner. It’s not ruined. Any little thing you so is going to help. One mess up is not going to set you back. If you keeping doing it, that’s another story. Just put it behind you. Do you see a theme here? It’s a mental game. You just have to win.

Medical Reasons For Not Losing Weight

Weight loss is a complicated process that involves a number of variables. Some aspects of our lives are within our control, such as our diet and exercise. We can also work on stress management and sleep hygiene.

Genes, sex differences (including the influence of hormones), age-related changes, and our individual body type are all factors that influence weight loss that we have no control over.

If you’re not losing weight despite dietary and physical activity changes, see your doctor to rule out a medical condition. This is important not only if you’re not seeing results on the scale or in your body despite your efforts, but it’s even more important if you’re gaining weight for no apparent reason.

Weight gain has been linked to a number of medical conditions and medications. If you gain more than five pounds in a month without making any changes to your diet or exercise routine, consult your doctor. (6)

Conditions Causing Weight Gain

  • Thyroid problems
  • Beta-blockers (medications that are used to treat high blood pressure)
  • Medications that contain corticosteroids (steroid hormones)
  • Some antidepressant medications are used to treat diabetes (SSRIs)
  • Medications that are antipsychotic and anticonvulsant (6)

You Can Do It!

Keep in mind that you are valuable. It is critical to understand and remember that eating well and exercising will improve your physical and mental health. Once your mindset is changed to one of health, you will feel much better! We want you to fall in love with the new you!

Weight loss is a process, and it doesn’t always go as smoothly as you’d like. While healthy weight loss takes time, there are some reasons why you aren’t losing weight that you should consider as you track your progress.

For instance, you might be committed to a regular workout but not burning enough calories. Perhaps you’re getting enough exercise and eating well, but you’re having trouble losing weight because of a medical condition.

Weight loss can be influenced by a variety of factors, some of which are more obvious than others. It’s important to think about all of them as you work to make changes that will help you achieve your goals.

>>Don’t forget to grab your diet and fitness tracker here!<<

  • Sources:
  • (1)https://www.webmd.com/diet/sleep-and-weight-loss#1
  • (2)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/daily-weighing
  • (3)https://www.livestrong.com/article/13717207-most-common-weight-loss-mistakes/
  • (4)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-water-helps-with-weight-loss#TOC_TITLE_HDR_6
  • (5)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-water-helps-with-weight-loss
  • (6)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/20-reasons-you-are-not-losing-weight
  • (7)https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/i-m-doing-everything-right-i-m-still-not-losing-ncna866376
  • (8)https://www.thehealthy.com/weight-loss/lose-weight-weekend/
  • (9)https://www.verywellfit.com/how-many-calories-does-muscle-really-burn-1231074
  • (10)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18609301/
  • (11)https://www.verywellfit.com/not-losing-weight-heres-why
  • (12)https://www.bbc.com/news/health-47242940
  • (13)https://abcnews.go.com/Health/working-losing-weight/story?id=28675400
  • (14)https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/benefits_of_tracking_your_food_intake
  • (15)https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/avoid-weekend-weight-gain

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