Burn 1000 Calories – The Real Truth

How To Burn 1000 Calories

Burning 1000 calories is not easy and it’s a pretty serious commitment to make.

How can you burn 1000 calories a day? There are literally countless of activities that can help you burn 1000 calories every day. There are some things you need to take into consideration when deciding to take this feat. Is it possible to burn 1000 calories every day for the rest of your life? Is setting such a goal for your health and fitness good or counterproductive?

When it comes to increasing your calorie burn, you have two options: time and intensity. The more calories you burn, the longer you work and the harder you work. With adequate intensity and time, any exercise can theoretically become a 1000 calorie workout.

Working out is a difficult task. If it was easy, everyone would do it. People strive to go for workouts that are effective and efficient because those work. They are both effective and efficient in that they produce the desired benefits in a short amount of time due to their calorie-burning powers. With that in mind, here are several ways you can possibly burn 1000 calories and factors that will influence them.

Factors That Influence How Fast You Can Burn 1000 Calories

It is theoretically feasible to burn 1000 calories in a single day. However, you may find it difficult to do so due to a number of variables.

The amount of calories you burn depends on each individual and is determined by a variety of factors. Some of these factors are shown below:

Your Body Weight

Your weight will play a role as to how many calories you can burn. If you have a higher body weight, you’ll burn more calories for every minute of working out compared to a person who weighs less. This is because it takes more energy for a larger person to move while working out compared to a lighter person.

So making a broad statement like “YOU will burn X calories” isn’t going to work for everyone. It’s just a matter of science.

Your Fitness Level

A fit person will be more efficient at the workouts that they’re used to. The human body adapts.

The number of calories you can burn depends on how fit you are. When you’re in better shape, you’ll burn less calories than someone who isn’t, even if you’re both doing the same workout.

The reason for this is that as your body becomes more conditioned, your heart and lungs will be able to give fresh blood and oxygen to your functioning body more efficiently. Because a less fit person’s physique is less efficient, they burn more calories.

As you keep doing that routine, it gets easier since the muscles know what to expect and aren’t guessing and trying to get synchronized like they were at first. In other words, people who are physically fit burn fewer calories than those who are not.

As an example (according to the American College of Sports Medicine):

If you weigh 300 pounds, walking at a fast pace of 5 mph will burn nearly 1,000 calories in an hour.

If you weigh 140 pounds, you will burn 535 calories.

At 200 pounds, walking at the same speed for the same period of time will burn 764 calories.

Your Gender

Men burn more calories than women. This is due to the fact that men have a larger muscle mass than women. Muscles have a higher resting metabolism than fat tissue, so they burn more calories at rest and during exercise.

Your Age

As a person gets older, their DNA changes; they will have a slower metabolism. That’s why, in comparison to young people, it is more difficult for older people to reduce their large bellies or weight in general. Muscle loss, less activity, and the normal aging of your metabolic systems are a few explanations for this. As a result, you will burn fewer calories once you’re older.


If you’re lucky enough to have decent genes, you won’t need to work out for as long to burn 1000 calories. Have you ever seen how someone can lose two pounds in two weeks while you are still struggling to lose an inch of fat after four weeks? You may find it challenging to burn 1000 calories per day, but don’t give up.

Genetics play an important role in the way our bodies burn calories. These include the way our hunger and appetite hormones work, which can lead to an increase in food intake. Among other things, how well we absorb and retain calories, the sort of fat our bodies store, and our metabolism.

Intensity Level

A high-intensity workout is more effective at burning calories in a short amount of time. Workouts that are moderate or low-intensity burn fewer calories.

The very obvious example is running vs. walking. In a 20-minute run, you’ll burn more calories than you would if you walked for the same amount of time.

You must, however, enjoy your workout session and be able to continue it. It won’t help you if you perform a high-intensity workout that you can’t keep up with for more than a day.

Calorie Burning At A Glance

When it comes to improving your calorie burn, you need to work with two variables: time and intensity. When it comes to time, the more calories you burn the longer you work out or exercise. The less you work out, the less calories you’ll burn.

In terms of intensity, the more calories you burn the harder you work out, and vice versa. As a result, the more calories you burn, the harder and longer you work out. Simply put, any exercise, workout, or activity can become a 1000 calorie workout depending on how long and how hard it is performed.

Everyone has different agendas and timelines. Not everyone has a lot of time to exercise, but they still want to get the desired results, which is attainable because some workouts burn 1000 calories faster than others.

Workouts To Burn 1000 Calories

Different workouts burn calorie amounts in different ways. The intensity of a workout, the length of time spent performing it, the number of muscles worked, and a variety of other factors all influence how many calories are burned. Here are a few 1000 calorie burning workouts to consider.

HIIT Workouts That Burn 1000 Calories

Cardio is the way to go when it comes to burning calories. Cardio exercises burn the most calories when compared to other sorts of exercises such as strength training and calisthenics. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is an anaerobic cardio workout. HIIT involves working out for a brief time and then resting for a few seconds.

HIIT workouts have the added benefit of continuing to burn calories long after you’ve stopped working out, in turn, increasing the number of calories you burn. Here is a list of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that can burn about 1000 calories and should be included in your workout routine if that’s your goal. (1)


This exercise is ideal for both cardiovascular and strength training. There are no weights necessary for this exercise, hence it is a bodyweight workout. Burpees are performed as follows:

Burpees To Burn 1000 Calories
  • Begin in a starting position.
  • Drop into a squat position and put your hands on the ground.
  • Jump in a plank position.
  • Do a push up.
  • Return to plank position.
  • Then back to the squat position.
  • Jump up from the squat position with your hands up.
  • Repeat three sets of eight reps with a 10-second break in between.

Burpees burn between 700 and 1000 calories in 90 to 120 minutes of exercise.

Jumping Rope

This enjoyable activity can help you burn 1000 calories fairly quickly. If you want to lose weight, jumping rope could be very beneficial to add to your routine. This is due to the fact that jumping rope burns a ton of calories.

The wonderful thing about this calorie-burning activity is that it’s first and foremost enjoyable. Second, it is not incredibly expensive because all you need is a jump rope. Third, it may be done at any time, anywhere, because it doesn’t take up too much room.

If you weigh 125 pounds, jumping rope will burn 1000 calories in 100 minutes, and if you weigh 185 pounds, it will take 67 minutes.

Speaking of jumping…

Jumping Jacks And Plank Jacks

When it comes to calorie burning, these two Jacks versions are extremely effective. These two Jacks versions can help you burn between 600 and 1000 calories in one hour.

Do 40 jumping jacks and then get into a plank position without stopping.

How to do plank jacks:

  • Begin in a plank position, arms outstretched and hands under shoulders, feet together.
  • From your head to your heels, your body should be in a straight line.
  • To prevent your lower back from strain, engage your abs.
  • As if you were performing a horizontal jumping jack, jump both feet out wide to each side.
  • After 15 repetitions, take a 10 second break.

High Knees

High knees is another terrific HIIT workout that burns 700-900 calories in 90-120 minutes with a 1 minute pause after each set of 40 reps. Your quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and glutes will feel the burn. This high-intensity exercise will also aid in the loss of belly fat and the improvement of lung and heart function.

Jump Squats And Jump Lunges

Squats and lunges are excellent for calorie burning and lower-body toning. Jumps, on the other hand, can make a huge impact in these workouts. Doing a combination of jump squats and jump lunges for 120 minutes with a 1-minute break after each session will burn roughly 700-900 calories. 20 reps of jump squats and 20 reps of jump lunges make up one set.

Crunches And Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are calorie-burning workouts that target a variety of muscles at the same time. Crunches and sit-ups are identical except that crunches have a lower range of motion than sit-ups.

Crunches are well-known for strengthening the core. They may be done anywhere at any time because they do not involve the use of weights. Try three sets of 15 reps if you’re new to crunches. If you’re new to sit-ups, start with doing 10 reps at a time.

Leg-up crunches, leg-up sit-ups, and bicycle crunches are just a few of the various varieties of these exercises. Any of these exercises can be used to target various body muscles and keep your workouts interesting.

If you combine crunches and sit-ups, you’ll burn up to 200 calories an hour so it’s best to combine them with other exercises.


There’s a reason why some go for a morning run every day. Running is more physically demanding than jogging or walking, which is why it’s a very effective calorie burning workout. It is exhausting since you must be running at a speed of 5 miles per hour or faster to be deemed running. Anything less is considered jogging.

It goes without saying that the faster you run, the more calories you burn.

Another option is to choose terrains that are a little tougher, such as mountainous or hilly terrain. You can burn 600 calories in an hour if you weigh 125 pounds and run a 10-minute mile at a speed of 6 miles per hour, and 888 calories in an hour if you weigh 185 pounds and run a 10-minute mile at a speed of 6 miles per hour. It would take a person between 68 and 100 minutes to burn 1000 calories at that rate.


Cycling is another enjoyable but exhausting exercise to lose weight because of its high calorie-burning efficiency. This is an excellent calorie-burning workout, especially if you enjoy adventures, because you can simply hop on your bike and ride around the countryside.

This does not imply that just outside cycling burns calories; in fact, stationary riding burns just as many calories as outdoor cycling.

This exercise engages a large number of muscles at once, which makes it a good calorie-burning workout. The faster you cycle, the more calories you burn, much like jogging. You burn even more calories in a shorter amount of time if you choose hilly and difficult terrains.

The fact that you may change the intensity as you choose without having to rely on topography is a benefit of the stationary bike over the outdoor bike.

Cycling at a speed of 14 to 15.9 miles per hour burns calories in about the same amount of time as running at a speed of 6 miles per hour, depending on your weight, of course. A 125-pound individual will burn 300 calories every half-hour, whereas a 185-pound person will burn around 420 calories every half-hour.

A 125-pound individual will burn 1000 calories in 100 minutes, while a 185-pound person will burn 1000 calories in 70 to 80 minutes. (14)

Best Exercises To Burn 1000 Calories 

Here are a few additional exercises that burn 1000 calories besides HIIT.


Swimming is an excellent full-body workout. It utilizes practically every muscle in the body and may be quite demanding. With a 1-minute rest after every 10 laps, you can burn 1000 calories in 90-120 minutes. To improve your swimming abilities, practice a variety of strokes. This can help you in losing weight quicker.

In 90-120 minutes, a person can burn 1000 calories. Some strokes and techniques burn more calories than others. When compared to the freestyle stroke, the butterfly stroke burns more calories. Swimming in freezing cold water is another strategy to burn extra calories while swimming. The reason for this is that your body consumes calories just to keep your core warm, so combining that with the calories you burn while swimming results in a higher calorie burn.


Dancing is an enjoyable way to lose weight. You burn considerably more fat when you do a Zumba workout than most other forms of dance. (3) You can burn 500 calories in less than an hour, depending on your weight. You can reach your goal in an hour if you maintain a continuous level of intensity. Add Zumba to your workout routine to up the calorie burn and have fun doing it!

Lifting Weights To Burn 1000 Calories

Lifting weights alone does not burn 1000 calories. To burn 1000 calories per day, you should include HIIT and cardio in your workout. Add dumbbells to lunges, ankle weights to leg lifts, barbell squats, weighted hip thrusts, and resistance band movements.

Sample 1000 Calorie Workouts

NOTE: These workouts are not recommended since they are too strenuous for the ordinary person. I’m simply showing you, realistically, what it would take to burn 1000 calories just by working out.

  1. Bike outside for an hour/Group exercise for an hour
  2. 1 hour of strength training/Walk 1 hour/Ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes
  3. Walk slowly on a treadmill 30 minutes/Swim for an hour/Circuit train for an hour
  4. Row or stationary bike for 1 hour/Strength train for an hour
  5. Zumba for 1 hour/Machine circuit train for 1 hour
  6. Any two of the following exercises should be performed for a half-hour each, with pauses in between: Crunches and Sit-ups/Burpees/Jump Squats and Jump Lunges/Rope Jumping/High Knees
  7. Any two of the following exercises should be performed for a half-hour each, with pauses in between: Crunches and Sit-ups/High Knees/Jumping Jacks and Plank Jacks.
  8. Jump rope/Swimming/Running for 1 hour

But, more realistically, you can cut these in half and still burn 500 calories, which isn’t bad.

Other Ways To Burn 1000 Calories (They all add up)

Sit On a Stability Ball

An exercise ball can be used in place of your desk chair. By balancing on a stability ball all day, you can strengthen your core and thigh muscles while also improving your posture. Many people have jobs that require them to spend all day in front of a computer screen; simply switching out your chair for a stability ball, you can burn roughly 200 calories more than you would if you sat in your desk chair all day. This is approximately the same as a half-hour run.

According to Harvard Health Publications, a 185-pound male burns roughly 156 calories per hour doing standard desk work. Adding a stability ball increases this by 6%, to 165 calories per hour, or 75 additional calories each eight-hour day—a total of 19,500 calories per year. (16)

Stabilizing yourself on the ball can also help you improve your core muscles.

Drink Coffee

Coffee contains a variety of stimulants, the most notable of which being caffeine. Caffeine not only raises your metabolic rate, but it also makes you more alert.

It’s also one of the few substances that has been shown to assist mobilize fat from fat cells and boost metabolism. (12)

Sleep More

If you want to burn 1000 calories every day, you should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you want to reduce weight in a healthy way, getting enough sleep and waking up refreshed is critical.

Over a long period of time, getting less than four hours of sleep decreases the metabolism. Experts suggest aiming for between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. (4)

Related Post > Quick Tips For Better Sleep


Others may find tapping your foot, shaking your leg, and other restless behaviors annoying, but did you know that they can also help you lose weight?

According to multiple studies, fidgeting throughout the day burns ten times more calories than sitting quietly. One study from 2005 put the figure at 350 calories per day, which is enough to lose 30 to 40 pounds in a year. Constant mobility, even when sitting, is a sort of cardio, so it makes sense. (15)

According to a Mayo Clinic study, you can burn up to 350 more calories each day than someone who stays sedentary. Although the need to fidget is hardwired, non-fidgeters can replicate it by tapping their feet, pacing, or shifting restlessly in their seats. (2)

Drink More Water

People who are dehydrated have a lower metabolic rate. Water is essential for life, and it also happens to be one of the simplest ways to boost your metabolism. Drinking water boosts your metabolism by up to 25% for nearly an hour after you’ve consumed it. That means that if you drink a couple cups of water every hour, your metabolism will be boosted all day. (3)

Related Post > 5 Reasons to Drink More Water for Weight Loss

Drink Some Green Tea

Green tea has been found to raise your energy expenditure — that is, the number of calories you burn — as well as the amount of fat you burn. Green tea contains bioactive chemicals such as caffeine and EGCG, both of which have substantial metabolic effects. (5)

Drink Oolong Tea

Oolong tea has lipid-lowering and obesity-fighting effects. Oolong tea helps to maintain weight loss by speeding up metabolism, increasing fat mobilization, and reducing fat cell multiplication. It also boosts immunity because it has more antioxidants than green tea.

It increases metabolism by 10% and aids in the burning of stomach and upper arm fat. Caffeine and Epigallo Catechins (EGCG) are both found in oolong tea, and they work synergistically to speed up fat oxidation. Oolong tea also helps to control blood sugar levels, improve satiety, and prevent carbohydrate and fat absorption. (6)

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is also a great way to burn calories.

Whole body cryotherapy involves exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures for a brief period of time, which can increase your metabolic rate as your body tries to warm up consuming a lot of energy.

Whole body cryotherapy promotes weight loss in two ways: it burns calories throughout the session and boosts metabolism. You can burn hundreds of calories in only a few minutes during the workout. When used over time, the cold helps to stimulate your metabolism, which leads to greater weight loss. (7)

Cryotherapy decreases inflammation, aids in sports rehabilitation, and improves sleep quality by enhancing REM sleep.

Cryotherapy sessions have been reported to burn anything from 400 to 800 calories by biohackers. (8)

Increase Your NEAT To Burn More Calories

First of all, what’s NEAT? NEAT stands for Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It’s one of the most ignored aspects of weight loss and calorie burn. I promise you that if you make these modifications on your own, they will be life-changing and will help you get on the fast track to success.

NEAT is a fancy acronym for the calories expended from all of the non-exercise movement you perform throughout the day, and it can make a major impact in your fat loss program. Cooking, shopping, walking, and gardening are examples of NEAT. Basically, it’s just day-to-day stuff. (10)

Burn Calories With Household Chores

Housework can burn a couple hundred calories every hour. Of course, the exact amount depends on your height and gender.

A petite lady, for example, burns roughly 160 calories per hour doing moderate duties, whereas a larger guy burns significantly more. Who’d have guessed that sweeping your floor would help you lose weight?

There are always organizing tasks that might help you enhance your energy balance once the cleaning is done. Some examples to improve your NEAT are; organize your closet, unpack boxes, or clean the garage. The possibilities are endless! (11)

Cook At Home

Cooking burns about 200 calories per hour on average. Add 75 calories for cleaning up and the fact that you’ll be eating a great, nutritious supper to the equation. The advantages of cooking at home extend far beyond the food you consume. We can’t say enough good things about this one. (12)

Stand Up

Even while the difference in calories burned between standing and sitting at your desk isn’t significant, standing encourages you to move around more than sitting does.

Spend 40 minutes of your day standing at your desk rather than sitting to burn an extra 100 calories at work. It’s pretty much a no-brainer. (13)

Go Upstairs More Often

Think of stairs as a free piece of training equipment that can help you burn a significant amount of calories each day. Walking and running use fewer muscles than climbing does. It also burns calories quicker.


That’s right, it’s as simple as that. Just walk more!

Walking is a simple activity that almost everyone can do. All you have to do is increase the amount of steps you take each day, and the extra energy you expend will come from your fat stores. Increasing the number of steps you take during the day is rather straightforward. You could park your car across the street from your house. When shopping, you can park in the farthest spot. Take the long route to the water cooler or the bathroom. Over time, the steps add up.

Is It Safe To Burn 1000 Calories?

That is contingent on your body’s ability to stay up with such exercises. Everything should be done in moderation.

It depends on the type of exercise you do, the foods you eat, and whether or not you get enough rest. Only after discussing your fitness trainer and dietitian should you attempt to burn 1000 calories.

Although your goal might be to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest amount of time, burning 1000 calories is not recommended for everyone because it can cause health problems. Some people may hurt themselves by attempting to reduce 1000 calories in a short period of time.

Very Low Calorie Diets

Dieters should not attempt to burn this many calories in a single day. Calories are required to support regular body functions such as breathing and other similar activities. Burning 1000 calories in a day will injure your body if you are on a 1600-calorie diet or less since you are not eating enough to sustain your metabolism.


When you overtrain without giving your body the time it needs to recover, you end up doing more harm than good to yourself. It’s also crucial to note that attempting to burn 1000 calories in a short period of time can result in injuries as a result of overdoing it.

FAQ’s About Burning 1000 Calories

How much weight can you drop in a day if you burn 1000 calories?

You can lose around a pound of fat by burning 1000 calories per day for three to four days per week. Keep in mind that you’ll gain lean muscle mass, which is heavier than fat mass. As a result, keep an eye on your weight loss in terms of body composition. Fat that is less than or equal to 27% is considered healthy.

To burn 1000 calories, how far should I run?

This is determined by your pace and the time of your rest. 1000 calories can be burned by jogging constantly at 8 mph for an hour, or by running and sprinting continuously for 45 minutes.

How far do I have to walk per day to burn 1000 calories?

To burn 1000 calories in a day, you have to walk for 120 minutes at 6 mph.

Will burning 1000 calories per day help me lose weight?

Yes, if you burn 1000 calories each day, you will lose fat and gain muscle. You should, however, always keep in mind, your nutrition will also play a role. If you consume more calories than you’re burning, you will gain weight rather than lose it. Muscle is also heavier than fat. As a result, gaining muscle mass might lead to weight gain – but this is a healthy weight gain.

The Bottom Line

That’s all there is to know about how to burn 1000 calories. If you love working out, this might not be too difficult. Just make sure not to exhaust yourself or injure yourself in the process. Keeping your diet in check is also very important. Remember your daily activities all add up too!

Keep in mind, weight loss is gradual. Your day to day activities will help with the process. Even if you aren’t burning 1000 a day, you’re still putting forth effort and that’ll show in the long run.


This article is solely meant to provide general information and does not address specific circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or assistance, and it should not be used to make any judgments. Any action you take based on this article’s information is solely at your own risk and responsibility.

Perfect Keto


  • (12)https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/coffee-increase-metabolism#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2
  • (2)https://www.glamour.com/story/50-ways-to-burn-calories-without-breaking-a-sweat
  • (3)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21750519/
  • (4)https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-deprivation
  • (5)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19597519/
  • (6)https://www.countryhouse.in/blogs/news/oolong-tea-for-weight-loss
  • (7)https://www.cryo.com.au/treatments/metabolism-boost/
  • (8)https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319740
  • (9)https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-cryotherapy-stop-your-pain-
  • (10)https://strengthmatters.com/what-is-n-e-a-t-and-why-it-can-help-you-lose-fat-faster/
  • (11)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25162652/
  • (12)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5556592/
  • (13)https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/calories-burned-in-30-minutes-of-leisure-and-routine-activities
  • (14)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5556592/
  • (15)https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/72/6/1451/4729468?login=true
  • (16)https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/can-you-lose-weight-sitting-stability-ball/

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